Effectual Prayer

Jul 10, 2016 by: Dale Thiele | Series: The Life of Elijah Scripture: 1 Kings 18:41-46 Tags: righteous, habits, God's supremacy, unrest, James

The Life of Elijah
Effectual Prayer
1 Kings 18:41-46

  • Final Demonstration of God’s Supremacy
  • Elijah’s Effective Prayer Habits
  • Prayer as the Path Forward

Questions for Further Study or Group Discussion

  1. Read 1 Kings 18:41-46. How does the coming of rain demonstrate God’s supremacy? Supremacy over what?
  2. Consider Elijah’s prayer habits in this passage and in 18:36-40. What is unique to his situation? What can be “copied” into our prayer habits?
  3. Read James 5:16-18. How is Elijah a model example of the “righteous person”? What does James mean by righteous? How was Elijah righteous? How was Elijah a man of faith?
  4. In the growing unrest of our country and this world, what role does prayer play? What does prayer look like in your life? In your marriage? In your family? In our church?

Memory Verse of the Week: James 5:16b The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working. (ESV)